Terms of Business

It is the aim of P Ganz & Co to provide a high quality, efficient legal service with an emphasis on tailoring each transaction to suit its clients’ specific needs. This note sets out the way in which fees are calculated, the services provided, as well as billing, administrative and regulatory matters.


P Ganz & Co specialises in transactional work within the music business. In order to provide a full service to its clients, there will be occasions upon which it is necessary to involve other solicitors, from its network of contacts, in a particular matter. This would happen if a matter goes to litigation, or when specialist knowledge within other areas of the law, such as, for example, property or criminal law is required.


The standard hourly rate charged for the services of Penny Ganz is £175. This will be reviewed in April 2010 and annually thereafter. P Ganz & Co will usually supply a rough estimate of the probable total costs for a specific job and will inform clients if this is likely to be exceeded. For some jobs it will be possible to cap fees at a pre-determined level. The hourly rate excludes expenses (such as couriers), disbursements and VAT which will be charged in addition. Bills will be rendered on a monthly basis for lengthy matters, or at the conclusion of a matter if more appropriate.

Payment is due to us within one month of delivery of the bill. P Ganz & Co reserves the right to charge interest on unpaid bills at the rate applicable to judgement debts (currently 8% per annum) if a bill is outstanding for more than one month. The firm also reserves the right to cease acting in any matter when a bill is overdue, and reasonable notice has been given.

Storage of Papers and Documents

After completion of the work, the firm is entitled to keep all papers and documents while there is money owing to us from you for our costs and expenses. We will keep our file of papers relating to your matter (apart from any core documents which you have asked to be returned to you) for no more than six years, after which we will destroy it.

If we retrieve papers or documents from storage in relation to continuing or new instructions to act in connection with your affairs, we will not normally charge for retrieval but we reserve the right to charge for producing stored papers or documents at your request.

Regulatory Requirements

The law requires us to take steps to prevent our services from being used to facilitate the concealment of the proceeds of crime. To comply with this duty we are required to ask clients to prove their identity by supplying us with two documents (one photo ID and one household bill) and in some cases to explain the nature of any business being conducted to our satisfaction. In the case of a company, the ID should relate to two directors.


P Ganz & Co aims to provide a service at the highest quality. If however you have any concerns in relation to the work provided you should in the first instance raise these with Penny Ganz. In the event that you are still dissatisfied you should contact the Consumer Complaints Service of the Law Society.


You may terminate your instructions with the firm in writing at any time but we will be entitled to keep all your papers and documents while there is money owing to us for our costs and expenses.

We may decide to stop acting for you if there is a good reason and after giving you reasonable notice, for example, if you do not pay a bill, or if you do not give us clear or proper instructions on how we are to proceed.